Friday, September 30, 2011

summer blurred.

just found this
little gem
while perusing my
shots from toronto island
this past summer.

i know you're not
supposed to split
the image, but
it was too beautiful to leave
any part of sky or lake
out of it...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

managed to realize
that if i'm not happy in my dayjob now,
i need to fix that
while i'm still young.

where that leads me
of course
takes a little more
+ investigation.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

i realize
i am sucking
at the polaroid thing
but bear with me.
i need to re-scan
pretty much everything,
all over again.

i'll be posting
some regular digital shots
until i'm able
to post the polas.

thanks fer
stickin' with me!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

it was very hard to leave.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

so cool.

our universe is just
so amazing...

saw this leaf print
the other day
and couldn't resist a

i love residual images,
things blending that normally
have no place together
but somehow work.

i'm becoming more and more
apathetic about my
dislike of my job.
i'm not sure if this is a good thing
or not.

i need a change,
but i'm not sure what...

Friday, September 9, 2011

we've had some
beautiful skies

Thursday, September 8, 2011

since i can't
post polas yet
due to the lost-laptop,
i will instead
post older pics
of graff around toronto.

seeing these again
made me really want
to run around
all day
with my cameras...

Saturday, September 3, 2011


i sprained my ankle
in the move,
which i only discovered
after the painkillers i took
(for the ridiculous muscle pains i had)
wore off yesterday night.

i am so over this move!

Friday, September 2, 2011


my laptop is missing.

the one with all the
newly-scanned polas on it?

the move was

i was verbally assaulted,
and told that i might be pushed
down the stairs
or "taken out"
if i didn't leave
the house.
the new woman
(and her husband and kid and dog)
who lives there
terrorized me the whole time,
and i am thinking i might have to file
a police report
about her.

the crazy thing is,
no one stopped her
from going off on me!
and she just would not

thinking (/knowing)
she has mental problems
does not make me feel

i'm still shaking from the experience.

i don't really know what to do now.
but i have to go to work,
put on a smile,
pretend i'm ok...