Thursday, July 26, 2012

just sayin'...

elton john + pnau?  best.combo.EVER.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

difficult day / crooked pola

i don't really know
how i thought this
would be easy...

then again,
nothing ever really
comes that easily,
does it?

(sorry this bad boy is so skewed -
apparently i'm horrible at scanning...?)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


another fake-aroid,
courtesy of instagram.

i've decided to shoot
a bunch of polaroid soon,
so there will be some good shots
shortly, i promise!

i need to start enjoying summer more.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

pet post!

not gonna lie -
sometimes i wish i had
a pet chicken
(or five)
like my cousin down south.

this beautiful hen is masala
(as in chicken masala, ha!)...

she's the brains and the heart
of the chicken family,

and she's just so beautiful...
the sweetest lady
you'll ever meet!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

tulips from april.

wish i could say
i'd taken this with polaroid
but alas
i didn't have my camera with me!
so instagram it is.

Friday, July 6, 2012

tori tori tori.

it's tori amos
singing-practice night

i really miss singing
every day...

i think i'm going to start again.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

photoshop fun day!

i finally downloaded photoshop!
(well, the trial pack anyway.)

today was spent messing around
with photos and coming up with
fun little poster ideas,
like this one.

i'm a total sucker
for a good motivational poster!
(hence, this image.)

like?  love?  hate?

Monday, July 2, 2012

long weekend.

yesterday was canada day
(happy belated birthday, canada!)
and it was also the pride parade,
which c and i attended.

i was sprayed with water
(from water guns),
saw some insane costumes
(and some very non-existent costumes - hello fully naked people),
and was surrounded by
rainbows + neon
for the parade's entire duration.

after a visit with friends
(who have a bbq and a new media room)
it was home to sleep off
the entire crazy day.

so today we've just been
bumming around,
eating rhubarb preserve
(fresh from the federal reserve!),
and watching the first season of charmed.
(...oh mid 90s tv!  so cheesy, but so good.)

happy (early) 4th of july y'all!