Monday, October 22, 2012

plus ça change...

things are changing
so quickly
around here,

and i feel like
i'm moving in slow motion,
just trying to
catch up.

i'm planning a huge change
on this blog,
with my business,
which i hope to show you all

thanks for staying patient.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

late-night thoughts.

you think you have something
in the bag
(so to speak)
and you find out
you're further than you could ever imagine
from where you want to be,
and what you want
to be doing.

that said,
things are really
what you make of them.
so i just
don't give up;
i keep trying,


i desperately need to update my shop!
i've been making pieces
left, right, and centre,
but neglecting my online presence,
as i've got pieces being sold
at red pegasus (in toronto).
this is a task for tomorrow,
i think!

i also need to get my fingers
(and brain) working on a banner ad design...
the only links i ever have on this blog
are in the posts themselves,
and that just will not do.

(in fact,
this whole blog could use a facelift.